Monday, March 7, 2011

Someone's Very Special Birthday is Today!!!!!

It is only so many times in one's life when one can expect to have a blog on which one can make a birthday shout out to someone who had her own blog at some point in time that was itself utilized for a birthday shout out circa 2009. So...this is for Emily Bennetts Gerard on the occasion of her 22nd birthday.

Emily Gerard was born on March 8th,
Exactly five months after my own birth date.
A giggling girl of bright yellow curls,
She just couldn’t wait for the fun to unfurl!

To Farwell we went with trunks of candy,
We had big dreams of Danny and Sandy.
I auditioned with something by Brandy,
Em landed Teviah which was just dandy.

Long before inebriated parties,
Prior to knowing stories of Mardi,
TP games and dress up were all the rage
At birthdays that we thought made us so sage.

Now I am in a very far time zone
(But I still will call so pick up your phone)
As you ring in your twenty-second year
While sipping on shots with Mardi Gras cheer.

So HOORAY for you and for twenty-two,
And for all the times we’ve yet to accrue.
We’ll be It Takes Two till the very end,
Happy birthday to the bestest best friend!

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